Tuesday, January 19, 2016

re-ignite your spark

So I'm trying to let myself open up more on this corner of the internet because I know it used to be so therapeutic and amazing for me to write and write and to connect with others through our words on the internet. But being real is hard, it's so much easier to fake a smile and only give the highlights of life and act all la-di-da. That would be so much simpler and easier, and I wouldn't have to write as much!

Heh, but that's not real life. Facebook and social media are lies, I get so fed up with the B.S. that people post, acting like that's truth and that they just have perfect lives. So fake.

(Oh and then there are the people that get WAY too personal and just downright whiny on their statuses.... oh oh and vague-booking, that's pretty bad too).

I digress. I want to be real, I want to help others by sharing my stories and struggles. I want to inspire someone. I want someone to know that if they need me I will be there, I am loyal and dedicated.


Here I go, *breathes in, breathes out* phew.

I need to make changes in my life. I'm recently married and that is wonderful, but I live 2 hours away from my husband during the week and it's one of the hardest things I've gone through (and believe me, I have been through some horrific things, maybe someday I'll be brave enough to write about those). I'm also a senior in college and have a difficult degree full of drama and high emotions and stress and quite frankly some mean and rude people. I'm super sensitive so if someone ignores me blatantly, or curses me out during rehearsal, I take it pretty badly.

I could look at my schedule for the week and find all the things I dread, and count the minutes til I see my husband again (and yeah, ok, no matter what I still countdown til I see my love again, he gets me through the hard times). But if I focus only on the negatives, I will not be living my life to the fullest. I will not have joy, I will just be going through the motions (cue Buffy's musical episode) and I will be wasting my time.

Life isn't supposed to be just day-to-day fulfillment of obligations. There is no passion in that life, and if there is no passion, then what is the point? As a believer in Christianity, I am convinced by scripture and by personal experience that God has given us certain talents and passions for a reason, His glory and our joy. In my life I have been my happiest when I was using my talents and working hard for them. ("Find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life," great quote!!)

For 2016, my word for the year (cheesy right? Eh, at least it isn't just another fake resolution on the internet) is PASSION. And to accomplish this I will focus on some goals.

*I will find passion again for my music as I finish this last year of my Vocal Performance degree

*I will learn about the passions of a new marriage, and keep it alive and strong despite not seeing my husband every day

*I will find a church home to keep me grounded, and in the meantime discover more truths in God's Word

*I will open myself up in friendships and learn to trust and be vulnerable, despite the risks of being hurt (again)

*I will be passionate about my health and keep committing to taking care of myself physically and mentally!


What are you passionate about?

Are you looking to connect with someone as flawed as you? Leave a comment or contact me if you like :)

Alexandra Anne

ps. Both pics in today's post were from my Summer trip to Europe!! Future blog post to come!


  1. Long distance is hard but just remember it wont be forever. The sacrifices are worth it in the long run. My husband and I had to be apart for a year and half due to both of us being in the military. It was awful! I'm surprised we made it! Make the most of the weekends you have together. :) How long until you are both together again?

    1. I'm so glad you and your husband made it! I am grateful that we get weekends and my holiday times together. Hopefully, if everything works out right, it'll be like this for this semester, and then only a few days a week in the fall. Ultimately I should graduate in December, then I can truly live with him 100% of the time! But this will be the hardest semester.

  2. This is an amazing and powerful post! Passion, this word is so important to me! I used to go to school for nursing and I knew that was not my passion I wasn't happy and then I started writing and oooh girl did I love and still love it haha! Passion will get you through the hardest of days, I know this all too well! Your Passionate Goals is something I need to do myself. This year I want to take my passion to new heights and I know you will be able to do the same. Rejoice in the now and focus on what makes you happy and let those negative thoughts take a backseat to your passions ;) Good luck this year!

    Jasmine :)

    1. Thanks, Jasmine! I realized I needed passion to get me through all this!

      Thanks for checking out my blog, I've already been enjoying yours!

  3. My husband and I did long distance for a year before we married. He was in CA and I was in SC. It was hard but focusing on the positives and yourself helps. Best of luck pursuing your passion this year! I'm pursuing my passion of blogging and hopefully helping others along the way!

  4. Oh my goodness! I couldn't imagine living 2 hours away from my husband as a newlywed! I love that instead of drowning, you are being sure that you are passionate!! You've got this :)
