Monday, July 30, 2012

Where Has Last July Gone?

Top 10 Tuesday-

Last day of the month- yikes! This means we're entering a huge month for me; I'm about to move to Houston! Eeeeeee! (That eeeee involves many emotions...I can't quite explain them all ;) )

I'd like to share some Top 10 Loves with ya'll :)

1. Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lovato- I am loving this song, and listening to it way way way too much.

2. Felicity- did you used to watch that show? My mom did, when I was little. Now I'm of the college age, so I've been watching it a lot this week (I've been sick, tv time has increased).

3. Apples. Granny smith, if you please. They're kind of my favorite, especially sauteed in olive oil and cinnamon. YUM.

4. Pizza. Tonight is pizza night, and I am super stoked. Like, it's jump around crazy stoked. I'm 2 years old and just got my pony. It's that serious, ya'll.

5. Emails from friends- especially the super long ones that catch me up :) I love getting flooded with emails, I feel loved. (My love languages in order are: quality time and words of affirmation, then physical touch).

6. Houston! Super excited to move, for classes, to make new friends, to travel again, to get out of this house (sorry, I'm getting cabin-fever), to be a student with the wonderful Hector Vasquez (just got confirmation of my music major status yesterday, I grinned so so much), etc!

7. Diet Mountain Dew. It's probably terrible for me, but it gives me the fizz and caffeine I need desire

8. Red nail polish- it's summer, so I like to go crazy with cool colors.

9. Scripture- my verse-a-day on my phone's bible app really really helps me out! It's a great way to start the day, and gets my heart in the right place.

10 Pictures of loved ones! My grandmama sent me the pics from my recital :) Have a great week ya'll! Enjoy some pictures ;)

My siblings chillin outside :) 

Kate and Daddy- it was so nice having him home!

Singin me some classical; oh how sassy? 

My duet partner Nathan :) We sang "The Prayer." <3 

Singing my encore piece; "He loves me, he loves me not." ;)

Sooooo many people came! I freaked out for a bit...but was truly blessed by my friends as audience members :)

Lookie!! I babysit this cutie :) :) :) Her baby (9 month) sister is hiding a few feet away. <3 Love those girlies (she was totally checkin out my pearls ;) a true lady in the making!)

My handsome feller, always there to support me and my crazy operatic endeavors.  <3 <3 <3 


  1. You sing opera?! That is so cool! Good luck in college!
    I'm thrilled to be your newest follower and would love it if you could return the follow if you get the chance and wish to :)
    Sapir @

    1. Thanks! (That is one of my favorite reactions teehee) I definitely have a...unique career choice. Well, it's not a career yet. Maybe someday ;)
      I'll follow you back! <3

  2. I love granny smith apples too! They are the best! And we definitely have pizza like every other night and I STILL get that excited for it. It's pretty much the best thing ever! :) Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. Pizza is amazinggggg. :)
      Thanks! I'm following you too! Stick around a while, if you like.

