Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Days

Yesterday was one of those days that reminded me why I love Alabama, and why I love summer. Keep in mind, it's been TWO years since I experienced an Alabama summer; last year I had an Italian summer. So yesterday's included:

Cleaning my room (This is only a small portion of the shoes I own........)(Oh, and I even made my bed! *gasp*)

This is my room's chandelier =) makes me happy inside.  

I also set up a kiddie pool and fun sprinkler for my little siblings, and caught some sunshine myself while enjoying some literature =)

Yep, swimsuit time!!
So....I am aiming to be more healthy for many reasons: to honor God with my body, to feel stronger (as a performer, I need the stamina), and to feel confident in my swimsuit!
Thanks to pinterest, I've been trying out new workout routines, switching it up every day. Of course, this means for the past three days my legs have despised me, but hopefully it'll be worth it.
Health isn't just about exercise though; we must fuel our cars with the right kind of gas right? Our bodies need the right fuel!
So I am back on the Paleo diet (upcoming post on that) and am trying to be strict with myself. I can only do this if I lean on God though.

Here's looking at a fun, healthy, strong summer!

With love,
Alexandra Anne

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